Be a Force for Good. Join Us in Changing Lives

At Global Solidarity Corp, we believe in the power of humanity to create positive change. With your support, we can make a real difference in the lives of those in need around the world. Here are some ways you can become a force for good and join our mission.
Donate Financially
Your financial contribution has the power to transform lives. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. It provides essentials like clean water, nutritious meals, medical care, and education to those who need it most. Your generosity fuels our projects and gives hope to communities in crisis.
Volunteer Your Time
Join our dedicated team of volunteers and experience the joy of hands-on involvement. From disaster relief efforts to community development projects, your time and skills can make a tangible difference. Whether you're teaching, building, or simply lending a helping hand, your actions can change lives and inspire others.
Fundraise and Raise Awareness
Be a champion of change by organizing fundraisers and awareness campaigns in your community. By rallying friends, family, and colleagues, you can create a ripple effect of kindness. Your efforts not only provide vital resources but also help raise awareness about global challenges and the solutions we're working towards.
Corporate Partnerships
Businesses have the power to drive meaningful change too. Partner with us through corporate social responsibility initiatives. By aligning your brand with our cause, you're not only fulfilling your social obligations but also making a lasting impact on the world. Together, we can create a better future for all.
Financial Support Details
Account# 187301828
Routing# 122100024

For Donors Outside USA, you may need the SWIFT CODE: CHASUSxxx

Please, contact us if you have any questions.
Join Us Today
Be part of a movement that's changing lives for the better. Whether you choose to donate, volunteer, fundraise, or partner with us, your involvement matters. Together, we can bring hope, relief, and a brighter future to those in need. Visit our website or contact us to find out more about how you can help make a difference.

Our Organization's

Legal Status

Global Solidarity Corporation was officially established in the state of Arizona in January 2013 as a nonprofit organization actively involved in executing humanitarian initiatives on a global scale. GSC holds the status of a Public Charity and is exempt from U.S. Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with donations being tax-deductible under section 170 IRC. Our Tax Identification Number (EIN) is 46-2111417. GSC is authorized to seek government grants through and has undergone vetting, receiving the following identification numbers: DUN 079365911 and CAGE 74B24.

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